It was another leisurely (I'll have to look up the Thesaurus for another word for leisurely) start to the day. Di and Dave had long gone and were off somewhere overhead, floating over the Ranges and surrounds in a hot air balloon. Peter and Robyn also took to the air, but they chose a light plane. Both parties returned very satisfied with their respective flights and will no doubt have some spectacular photos as a reminder. Sharon and I took a stroll down to the Visitor's Centre and General Store to see what was on offer. The store has most of the bare essential food items, a selection of wines and spirits, a bunch of basic camping stuff, and the usual souvenirs.

After lunch we piled into the 4WDs and headed down the (dirt) road a bit to Sacred Canyon. Here, we trekked and rock-hopped up a dry creek bed, through the narrow rock walls, to the end of the canyon to see the ancient aboriginal rock carvings.
On our return to the camp, plans were made for tomorrow's itinerary, then the big and little hands showed it was "beer" o'clock. I forgot to mention that Dave and I drove back to the store and bought a sack of firewood. So, we did the typical blokey thing and stood around a smokey pit, stubby in hand, and poked and prodded at the wood until we were satisfied with the fire. On went a few spuds wrapped in foil which we topped off with bacon and mushroom bits, sour cream, grated cheese and some coleslaw. Pete helped round of the meal with some apple crumble he cooked in the Bedourie (camp oven), accompanied by homemade custard.
The day finished up around the campfire with a good cup of coffee and a nice drop of Port. Don't reckon it gets much better than this.
P.S. this is the view out our door:
Bedourie Apple crumble and custard.... Mmmmmm