Day 19: 12th Sept 2014

One of the many stands of tall timbers between Pemberton and Walpole 
This morning we left Pemberton with the aim of stopping for breakfast along the way at the Lavender & Berry Farm to sample their famous “Pemby Pancakes”. 
This was the "small" serve.
Whilst we were each hoeing into one huge pancake, topped with berries and ice-cream, we were entertained by Superb Fairy Wrens that flitted about looking for any crumbs that might be had. After sitting for a while, a shy little bandicoot gingerly made its way from one corner of the outdoor dining area across to the other, then out into the garden surrounds.

With breakfast done, we were back out on the highway, arriving in Walpole mid-afternoon.

Once the camps were set up, Dave, Laura and I wandered down to the little jetty to do a spot of fishing.

This time we were a little luckier than at Augusta and Laura caught a nice little black bream that was exactly the minimum legal size. A few others were caught during this session, but none we could keep. We were contemplating putting the kayaks in the water but the wind was a little strong, causing a small chop on the water, so it wouldn’t have been that pleasant and decided to keep our backsides dry.

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